Tag: environment

The Big Question: Will the Gulf of Mexico recover from this spring’s massive oil spill?

June 2, 2010 |  by Michael Anft

“We learn from failures, so we should take the opportunity this disaster has provided to improve the way we extract oil via offshore drilling. With such a massive release, there will be substantial harm to the ecosystem. The acute effects are terrible and very visual. “But once the source has been stopped, most of the […]

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June 2, 2010 |  by Sharon Tregaskis

Standing in the apiary on the grounds of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, Wayne Esaias, A&S ’67, digs through the canvas shoulder bag leaning against his leg in search of the cable he uses to download data. It’s dusk as he runs the cord from his laptop—precariously perched on […]

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Plans to cut carbon dioxide by half

June 2, 2010 |  by Dale Keiger

By going green, Davis Bookhart and Lawrence Kilduff aim to cut university emissions by 50 percent by 2025 while saving the institute some green to the tune of $10.3 million per year.

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